0000001970 00000 n B5 (p. 15): Sources & Authorities for statutes, rules, and regulations. Statutory Citation - Rule 12 - Suffolk University Citing a Decision Involving a State To cite a state, use either the word "State," "Commonwealth," or "People," depending on which appears on the title page, if citing to a case decided by that state's state court. Ct. Feb. 13, 2010). If the statute has been amended more than once, citation to the earlier edition of theFlorida Statutesalone is sufficient. If anything more than the section number and catchline is omitted, do not indent the paragraph for the block quotation. This is found in the form of a pocket part. 2d 935 (Fla. 3d DCA 1988). 0000001637 00000 n PDF A GUIDE TO THE BLUEBOOK - Sturm College of Law STAT. The National Environmental Policy Act (1969) established the Council on Environmental Quality. x (year). Similar to federal codes, state statutes may be published in both an official code and an unofficial code. A detailed explanation of the codification procedure can be found in the beginning of any volume of theFlorida Statutes. 191.04, Fla. Stat. Tarlton Law Library: Bluebook Legal Citation: How to cite Ex. Additionally, for STATE CODES YOU MUST INCLUDE THE YEAR OF THE CODE. The title, section, and text of the statute are almost always identical no matter which version you use but, to find the correct year, you will . Examples City of N. Miami v. Fla. Defenders of theEnv't, 481 So. 619(Fla. 17th Cir. Typically, the electronic database or website will provide a current as of date, e.g., Current through the 2015 1st Reg. 5 Ways to Cite Statutes - wikiHow 95-344, 1995 Fla. Laws 3024. 2d 737 (Fla. Dist. In the years predating 1999, they were published bi-annually following each odd-year regular session and a supplement was published following each even-year regular session. 1285. Therefore, the proper citation formatIF YOU ARE CITING TO A CODE IN PRINTis: For example, if you wanted to cite to a statute regarding the capital structure of federal home loan banks, the proper citations would be: Please note that the citations automatically generated by Lexis and Westlaw do not entirely follow theBluebookformat. Name of Act of Year. or U.S.C.S. 0000002477 00000 n If the cited statute has been repealed and recodified elsewhere, use either the form (repealed and recodified (year)) or the form (current version atFla. Stat. xxx.xx (year)).. Sotolongo v. State, 530 So. 0000002706 00000 n endobj Section Number(s) 2601-2654. 0000016421 00000 n 0000001181 00000 n 1983. Abbreviate section references in a footnote citation sentence by using the section symbol (). Do not capitalize or abbreviate the subsection, paragraph, subparagraph, or any other subdivision classification in textual discussions. <>/Border[0 0 0]/Contents()/Rect[130.3037 613.5 172.1807 624.5]/StructParent 3/Subtype/Link/Type/Annot>> Ignore the "Cite As" at the head of the page in Supreme Court Reporter, because this form of the citation is not used in APA style. Florida Statues Florida Style Manual 1. 1285: To require a report from the Secretary of Homeland Security on the existence of programs and components of the Department of Homeland Security that are not explicitly authorized in statute. Code Ann. However, there is a space between the second section symbol and the first section number. Bluebook Citation for Legal Materials The Bluebook style guide is used in the American legal profession for citation of all relevant sources. 191.04, Fla. Stat. 164 0 obj So, just cite to either the Lexis or Westlawunofficial code: (For law review footnotes, Ohio Rev. Let us make your life just a little easier. In-text citation: (Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993, 2006) Most federal statutes APA citations have five basic elements: . Article number in Roman numerals. It is therefore best practice to consult theBluebookwhen citing a statute from a new state. Bluebook Rule 12.2.1 requires that you cite to the official code of each state if available. This guide describes the structure of the state courts in Florida and explains how to find, validate, and cite court decisions. Numerical information that indicates the individual statute (i.e. House Bill 287 makes only a minor change in the vested rights 95-403, 27, at 3338-39, Laws of Fla. 364.339, Fla. Stat. . L. No. The Manual supplements the uniform citation system for Florida legal documents, Rule 9.800, Florida Rules of Appellate Procedure, and the standard citation authority for American legal journals, The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation (18th edition)." Uniform Citation System - Rule 9.800 - Florida Rules of Appellate Procedure Blue Book Basic Format endobj State statutory compilations can be found within Table T.1.3. 2601-2654 (2006). How to Use This Manual Florida Rule of Appellate Procedure 9.800 Rule 9.800. Also included is the official/preferred code for that state, as well as the proper abbreviations for each code. BluebookRule 12.3.1(e) governs the way to citetosupplements and pocket parts for both federal and state statutes. The United States Code Annotated is published by West and the United States Code Serviceis published by LexisNexis. Ann. 159.09 (West 1993). 156 0 obj The LegalEase Citations Bluebook Citation Generator is designed to make the process as simple as possible for you while producing a completely accurate statute citation - no matter how complex. 1) statutes in U.S.C., U.S.C.A., or U.S.C.S. Bluebooking and Legal Citation: Bluebooking California Statutes Page number. 0000001365 00000 n The Division provides numerous cross-reference tables in each volume of the statutes. How do you cite Florida Statutes in legal writing? Examples (NOTE: The UCF Library provides access to many InfoTrac databases), Ask Us | UCF Homepage | UCF Libraries Homepage | Orlando, FL 32816 | Contact UCF Libraries | Report a Problem, "designed to aid practitioners and scholars in the proper use of citation form for legal documents and scholarly articles. The editors of this Eighth Edition have updated the citation rules throughout the Manual to address advances in information technology and, consequently, online legal research. National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 102, 42 U.S.C. H.R. Learn. 0000001777 00000 n 0000005915 00000 n %%EOF in theBluebook, all abbreviations are listed in the tables, which begin on page 227. 92.Fla. The Beginner's Guide to Bluebook Statute Citations The Bluebook, a Uniform System of Citation, published by the Harvard Law Review, is the definitive style guide for the legal field. In GovTrack.us, a database of bills in the U.S. Congress. For laws that are not available in the official code, or when desired for clarity or adoption reference, cite in accordance withFlorida Rule of Appellate Procedure9.800. Since Methamphetamine is a controlled substance of the U.S. Government, this type of situation would fall under Federal Jurisdiction. <>/Metadata 120 0 R/Outlines 89 0 R/Pages 119 0 R/StructTreeRoot 94 0 R/Type/Catalog/ViewerPreferences<>>> The Bluebook, a Uniform System of Citation, published by the Harvard Law Review, is the definitive style guide for the legal field. 157 0 obj Appropriations Act, https://guides.lib.usf.edu/lawandlegalresearch. 2913.02 (LEXIS through file 59 (HB 1)). 996 (N.D. Texas 1997). <>/Border[0 0 0]/Contents( \n h t t p s : / / i r . 136 0 obj When the discussion concerns the present state of the law, cite to the current edition of the Florida Statutes. The legislatures Division of Statutory Revision has the final authority over the location of the sections within the chapters. Cite statutes in footnotes, but not in your bibliography. Name of the subject matter (if arranged by subject). . A law that appears in a hardbound volume of the South Carolina Code of Laws should be cited as: S.C. Code Ann. ___ N.C. ___ The blank cite is then followed, after a comma, by a regional reporter citation and the date of decision (in parentheses . 0000000016 00000 n Call Number: Ref. (optional if citing to the current code - Bluebook R. 12.3.2 per the 21st edition of the Bluebook), The abbreviation of the code used (here, U.S.C.A. During the debate, Representative Abrams noted that section 119.07(1)(b) had provided that when the nature or the volume of a request . 309 Village Drive Those instances are usually limited to if the statute is commonly cited that way or if the information would otherwise aid in identification. . The Bluebook - Bluebook Legal Citation System Guide - Research Guides Year (2006). A chapter in theFlorida Statutesis not a session law chapter. Examples Access Mango via your computer or download an app to your mobile device. 409.405. Example: 1. Bluebook Citation Exercise 12 Flashcards | Quizlet Do not cite to an annotated edition unless referencing materials not present in the official codification. . Material. State & Local Legal Research: Municipal Law - Northeastern University ", "Compiled by the editors of the Columbia Law Review, the Harvard Law Review, the University of Pennsylvania Law Review, and the Yale Law Journal. 0000014555 00000 n Citing Tax Sources - Accounting & Taxation - University of South Florida <>stream Each chapter of theFlorida Statutesis further divided into sections. How to Reference South Carolina Code of Laws | Legal Beagle Nothing is underlined in a statute citation. 12 U.S.C.S. Section 90.803(23),Florida Statutes, currently provides a hearsay exception for certain statements of a child victim of abuse.85. Fla. Stat. 191.04 (Supp. It can also be found on the web. Refer to an entire chapter in the same manner as a section. Name v. Name, Volume number Reporter abbreviation Page number (Court Name). How To Cite A State Statute Bluebook - malcolmmackillop 2d 292 (Fla. 1992). REV. Follow the format found in T1.3 to cite the statute. Florida Supreme Court decision (same as Rule 9.800): Florida District Court of Appeal decision (note that the court abbreviation differs from Rule 9.800): Florida Circuit Court abbreviation also differs from Rule 9.800 in that the Bluebook omits the circuit number: Florida County Court abbreviation also differs slightly from Rule 9.800 in that the Bluebook does not abbreviate the word "County". 0000003881 00000 n f s u . For special rules and exceptions, please see Rule 12. (by U.S.C. Citing Statutes - The Bluebook - Library Guides at Nova Southeastern trailer Bills - legislation introduced by the Senate or the House of Representatives (that may or may not become enacted law). Fla. Stat. See Table T1 in your Bluebook 21st edition for each state's rules and abbreviations.) L. No. endobj State statutes are generally cited similarly to federal statutes, but different states have different requirements for their citations. L. that amended the code section. Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, Pub. Bluebook Citation 101 -- Academic Format - University of Cincinnati 132 0 obj Rule 12.3.1 (p. 123): Rule for code citation. endobj Otherwise cite to theFlorida Statutes Annotated. 1994),repealed bych. endobj Welcome to the Oregon State Bar Online endobj 161 0 obj For example, if you wanted to reference a statute regarding the cooperation of agenciesin the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969., the proper citation would be: National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 102, 42 U.S.C. endobj The first citation to a statute in the text of the document must be accompanied by a footnote identifying the full citation form of the statute. Abbott Labs., Inc. v. Gen. Elec. f s u . Here is how to cite it as a session law: Name of Act, Public Law Number (abbreviated 'Pub. desk KF245 .B58. Basic Form Except for citations to case reporters, all citation forms should be spelled out in full if used as an integral part of a sentence either in the text or in footnotes. According to The Bluebook, you may add the name of a statute as it appears in the session law if (1) you are citing to an entire act as codified in the United States Code, (2) if the statute is commonly cited that way, or (3) if the information aids in identification of the material cited (Rule 12, p. 120, and Rule 12.3.1 (a)). Amendment number in Roman numerals, Section number. Example: x-x (year). iii Introduction The Florida Style Manual is designed to aid practitioners and schol- ars in the proper use of citation form for legal documents and scholarly articles. endobj 127 0 obj When citing a statute that has been repealed, indicate the year of repeal parenthetically, or cite the repealing session law in full if pertinent to the discussion. To cite a state statute using the Bluebook, you will need the following information: the name of the state, the name of the statute, the public law number, and the chapter number. LibGuides: Florida Case Law: Citing FL Case Law Handy reference for citing state statutes: Citation form for state statutes is similar to citing federal statutes. Uniform Citation System This rule applies to all legal documents, including court opinions. However, if you are referring to a subsection or paragraph without the preceding chapter or section number, use the classifications in Rule 4.6,supra. endobj Department of Transportation Act, Pub. ). endobj U.S.C. 0000014922 00000 n 126 0 obj <>/Border[0 0 0]/Contents()/Rect[493.2393 612.5547 540.0 625.4453]/StructParent 4/Subtype/Link/Type/Annot>> T1.3 (p. 248): Entries for each state's statute citation formula. Federal Laws/Statutes - How to Cite U.S - Cornell University Text-Only Version. A writer should cite a state law in the APA 7th edition in the same manner. Introduction to Basic Legal Citation. <>/Border[0 0 0]/Contents()/Rect[130.3037 613.5 172.1807 624.5]/StructParent 3/Subtype/Link/Type/Annot>> endobj When the reference is to multiple units, use the plural. In-text citation Place this part right after the quote or reference to the source in your assignment. Capitalization 1.1 Particular Persons, Places or Things 1.2 Headings and Titles 1.3 Acts, Laws, Bills, Treaties, Constitutions 1.4 Government Entities 2. If you are using Chicago style and your instructor or supervisor wants you to include a listing for statutes in your bibliography as well, use the same format as you would for the footnote. xVy~}F0N13`&p"I9:tZ"-"}]{~~x/ c HfE4sowa-n_?B. 35 ILCS 635/22 (West 2006). When citing a statute that has since been amendedonce, indicate the year of amendment, or cite the amending session law in full if pertinent to the discussion. Basic form The Bluebook requires you to cite to the official code if it is available. . State statutes are also periodically updated via pocket parts and supplements. See supraRule 5.7. 0000005970 00000 n This is usually done when the statute is an appropriation, has been repealed, or has its contents scattered in different parts of the Code. There are two types of statutes you will cite: Additionally, when citing a statute it is very important to make sure you are citing the most current information. endobj Basic Form A statute has a name only if there is a specific statement to that effect in the statute itself. 1 Rule 9.800 by its terms applies in all appellate proceedings in Florida, 2 and specifies that citations not covered in the rule should follow The Bluebook. See The University of Akron's Bluebook Quick Reference: Abbreviations and How-tos for help with . 131 0 obj Do not confuse names of statutes with titles of acts. Template: Author Forename Author Surname, Title Pages Used (Year Published), http://Website-Url (last visited Oct 10, 2013). <>/Border[0 0 0]/Contents(Legal Writing and Research Commons)/Rect[137.2383 199.1906 306.7939 210.9094]/StructParent 6/Subtype/Link/Type/Annot>> Cummings Center for History of Psychology. Remember that when citing to an annotated code, cite only to the text of the statute, not to any of the annotations or other editorial enhancements. But if you are using the OhioSupreme Court format, (for briefs submitted to an Ohio court) the citation is: R.C. Citation Guides: Citing Legal Materials from Westfield State University Florida Style Manual The lessee receives a copy of the contract evidencing the lessors purchase of the goods on or before signing the lease contract; d.Only if the lease is not a consumer lease, on or before the signing of the lease contract by the lessee the lessor: III. endobj Basic Legal Citation - Legal Information Institute 897 (f). B12(p.18): Bluepages rule for state statutes. Florida Rule of Appellate Procedure 9. F., F.2d or F.3d for Federal Reporter (circuit courts) regional reporter, many faculty authors will cite the decision using a "blank" cite, that is, three underscores, followed by the abbreviated official reporter name, followed by another three underscores. 162 0 obj Then scroll to the state section on the next page and click on the state of interest to view examples of legal citations for that state. 364.339, Fla. Stat. Code Ann. L. No.'), Section Number, Volume Number followed by 'Stat.' and the Page Number of the Act (Year the Statute was Passed). 0000003036 00000 n Citing Florida Statutes: REFERENCE LIST ENTRY Basic Form Source Chapter (date) Examples Fla. Stat. ", "We offer free resources including Writing and Teaching Writing, Research, Grammar and Mechanics, Style Guides, ESL (English as a Second Language), and Job Search and Professional Writing.". According to section 102.012(6), if there are fewer than 300 registered electors one election board is sufficient. endobj Jurisdiction is indicated. %%EOF : Used only if the statute you are citing is found immediately before the current citation. Section 731.34 provided for the wifes claim to dower to be free from all liabilities of the deceased spouses estate.94. Am. From the conception of that project, the editors realized that citation to many Florida-specific sourcesparticularly those generated by the Florida Legislaturewould lead to confusion if conventional Bluebook citation forms were followed. 0000003678 00000 n This guide is intended to help NSU College of Law Students with legal citations, The section number of what you are citing, The year of the code volume (not the year it was enacted. Never use both. Rule 12.3.2 (p. 124): Rules for citing the year of a code. <>/Border[0 0 0]/Contents(Legal Writing and Research Commons)/Rect[137.2383 199.1906 306.7939 210.9094]/StructParent 6/Subtype/Link/Type/Annot>> Name of Act (Year) Except for citations to case reporters, all citation forms should be spelled out in full if used as an integral part of a sentence either in the text or in footnotes. What follows is a summary of the basics. Legal Research #3.pdf - Please provide the appropriate The Law Review welcomes and encourages comments or suggestions for improvement. Alternatively, cite the statute in its original publication in the Statutes at Large, rather than in the code. 637 (Miami-Dade Cty. Example: Vol. The Florida Style Manual is designed to aid practitioners and scholars to identify the proper citation form for legal documents and scholarly articles. The examples on this page are for briefs and memos. Section 90.803(23), Florida Statutes (2000), currently provides a hearsay exception for certain statements of a child victim of abuse. Citation Style Guides - Legal Research: Florida - UCF Research Guides Sunset and Sundown reports are required by sections 11.61 and 11.611 of theFlorida Statutes. For California statutes, the Bluebook allows citations to Deering's California Codes Annotated (available in print and on Lexis) or West's Annotated California Codes (available in print and on Westlaw). If the federal statute that you are citing is still in force,BluebookRule 12.2.1 states that you should cite to the official code or its supplement if available. Then, give the name of the code, the section and the year of the code. Learn a new language from Mango Languages. 32 Fla. Stat. 0 0000002979 00000 n <>/Border[0 0 0]/Contents( \n h t t p s : / / i r . <> Legislative Materials 3.1 Typeface of Legislative Materials 3.2 Florida Legislative Journals When a statute appears in a replacement hardbound volume, the citation . %PDF-1.7 % For more information on whether you are looking at the official and authentic U.S. Code on the internet, please click here. Name of Act, Pub. x (year). LibGuides: APA 7th Edition Citation Examples: Federal Statutes Id. Code Ann. 133 0 obj Call Number: KF245 .D853 2010. When textual discussion concerns the present state of the law, cite to the current edition of theFlorida Statutes. LibGuides: Federal Legislative History: Bluebook Citations or F.Supp.2d for Federal Supplement (District Courts). 186.021(1), (4), Fla. Stat. e d u / l r / v o l 1 9 / i s s 2 / 1 6)/Rect[72.0 131.7406 238.8604 143.4594]/StructParent 7/Subtype/Link/Type/Annot>> Block quotations should be used when the quotation consists of fifty or more words. . Statutes - Bluebook Citation - LibGuides at Florida A&M University trailer (1995). 124 0 obj [advise] the lessee in writing to contact the supplier for a description of any such rights., 1.3 Acts, Laws, Bills, Treaties, Constitutions, 3.3 Legislative Bill Information Publications, 3.4 Committees, Subcommittees, and House Councils, 6.8 Parenthetical Indicating Statutory Change, 8.7 Public Employees Relations Commission Decisions, 8.8 Florida Public Service Commission Decisions, 8.10 Florida Administrative Practice Manual. Often the official name of the statute is the same as that for the act and is found in the section of the statute referring to Short Title. and Special Session of the Twenty-Fourth Legislature.. BluebookRule 12.2.1 requires that you cite to the official code of each stateif available. 5.9.3Form of Block Quotation: Incomplete Quotation. Short Forms - Bluebook Citation - Swisher Library at Jacksonville If subsection (6) is controlling law, one election board is sufficient for this precinct. Court placement of delinquent children. ISBN: 0615361161. Consult the Blue Pages, Rule B12, if you are writing a brief or memo. The paragraph should remain indented because titles and catchlines are only editorial devices and technically not part of the codification. (optional if citing to the current code - Bluebook R. 12.3.2). 4332 (1994). Name v. Name, Volume number Reporter abbreviation Page number (Court Name). Ct. App. title and section (s) in the text of the law. For more information on how to cite supplements, please seeBluebookRule 3.1(c). Indent the first line of a block quotation when quoting the entire text. Statutes & Legislation - Cite Checking Guide for Law Reviews Use the abbreviated citation form of theFlorida Statutesin the text of legal documents when the citation is intended to stand alone. See Bluebook Rule 2.1. If you are citing more than one statute, you can use the same date for all statutes. If a statute has been amended or a new statute has been enacted and it appears in either a supplement or a pocket part,BluebookRule 12.3.1(e)says that you must cite it accordingly. Did they overrule the case, follow the case, or distinguish their set of facts from the facts in the cited case. Basic Citation Forms: Florida Statutes - Florida State University The Florida Style Manual is designed to aid practitioners and scholars to identify the proper citation form for legal documents and scholarly articles. HOW TO CITE . Ct. Oct. 8, 2014). Next, click on "Constitutions and Statutes" in the left panel on the next page. ), The name of the publisher (West or LexisNexis), The year ofthe code. To find the currency ofLexis, the information for the statute can be found underneath the "Copy Citation" box but before the text of the citation itself. Though each state citation form will differ slightly, all citations will generally include: T1.3 will be an indispensable source for reference, providing you with the information required for each state's statutory citation. 0000002194 00000 n 174.020 (2001) "to "Or. A Bill is unenacted legislation. This name may be used in a textual discussion. PDF Florida Style Manual - Florida State University College of Law WHAT AND WHY? 163 0 obj Created by joel_smith37 Uniform System of Citation - Bluebook ~ Remember to the italics Terms in this set (20) 1. Exercise 9: COMPREHENSIVE CORE EXERCISE Flashcards | Quizlet The Bluebook reference; more - Monmouth University Here is an example of a citation to a state statute using the Bluebook: Case Law - Georgia Legal Research - LibGuides at Georgia State - GSU Fla. Stat. 240.229, .2997(1) (2000). Advises the lessee in writing to contact the supplier for a description of any such rights. 1.3 Acts, Laws, Bills, Treaties, Constitutions, 3.3 Legislative Bill Information Publications, 3.4 Committees, Subcommittees, and House Councils, 6.8 Parenthetical Indicating Statutory Change, 8.7 Public Employees Relations Commission Decisions, 8.8 Florida Public Service Commission Decisions, 8.10 Florida Administrative Practice Manual. number U.S. If the date spans multiple years, give all years covered. Test. You will also need to include the year that the statute was enacted.
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