kate marshall life is strange

If you get through them all she lives, goof up twice and she jumps. Isso evidente pelo poster de Mozart que h em seu quarto no Episdio 2. This totem is furthermore a symbol of fertility, warmth, sexuality and luck. 8 de outubro de 2013 (determinante)11 de outubro de 2013(presumido, determinante) This is why the story ending makes no sense at all because by the way Jefferson acted in the Dark Room scene with Max in the final episode he killed every single girl in those red binders, so why did he not kill Kate? Life Is Strange: How To Save Kate Marsh - TheGamer Adicionalmente, as placas dos quartos foram reescritas com mensagens de "Descanse em Paz" e condolncias Kate, enquanto outros alunos da Blackwell deixaram mensagens de arrependimento na placa do quarto dela e em sua rede social. Fica a critrio da escola decidir fazer isto em um ato de respeito. Seu pai mandou a ela um carto postal para lhe dar esperanas, enquanto sua tia mandou uma carta condenando as atitudes dela no vdeo. O nome "Katie" aparece na lista de clientes do Frank Bowers (sob o codinome "Chihuahua"). Kate's survival and last appearance depend on Max's decision at the end of Episode 5. Kate Marsh | Life is Strange Wiki | Fandom She is also very grateful towards Max for coming up to the rooftop to talk to her because she was feeling lost and alone all the time, but Max's caring and trying showed her that she wasn't. There is a poster in the girls' bathroom which reads "Abstinence makes the heart grow fonder", someone has vandalised it with graffiti which says: "Kate twerks for god". All rights reserved. How do you save Kate Marsh? :: Life is Strange General Discussions Parentes She and Max even talk about having a tea-shop tour of Portland. No entanto, isso no descreve a Kate totalmente, visto que ela organizava uma campanha de abstinncia, com psteres sobre isso em seu quarto. Kate suggests she also brings Warren along. Later at the junkyard, Kate texts Max thanking her for calling saying that she needed a friend. There is a note from a Psycologist, in the dark room, that notes that Nathan's father complely ignores the Psycologist. At the end of the episode, Kate is seen crying in her room during the snowstorm. In light of her absence, Max takes care of Kate's bunny. Ela legal e gentil, mesmo com os outros alunos zoando a campanha de abstinncia dela. Whilst in the Dark Room, Max uses her selfie taken at the beginning of the first episode and travels back to Jefferson's class where everything started. With help the Prescott, Jefferson was able to build a bunker to serve as a secret hideaway. The cookie stores information anonymously and assigns a randomly generated number to recognize unique visitors. Her family is now very protective towards Kate, and feel very guilty. She's so pretty AND sweet and friendly. Amarelo tambm a cor da amizade. O adesivo que indica que a Kate est viva foi rotulado como Kate_scrapbook_dead, e o que indica que ela est morta foi rotulado como Kate_scrapbook_alive. On Kate's "Get Well Soon" card, the names "River S" and "Rory W" are signed. While in the shower, Max witnesses Victoria and Taylor harassing Kate, and writing the link to the viral video on the mirror. Is Strange, Gary jamroz-palma : concept art for the hospital room used for Chloe and Kate, depending on some of the choices you make. It is suggested in, Kate's favorite Bible quote is: "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." I can see how it would. At the end of Episode 2, Max is faced with the dilemma of getting Kate off the roof. The drawings seem to make her more hopeful for the future. Max can disagree, banning boys from the trip, or question Warren's involvement. No fichrio, voc pode encontrar trs fotografias da Kate dopada, tiradas por Mark Jefferson. At the time that Max told her about Nathan, Jefferson was determined to kill Kate to silence her as Victoria and almost done with Max. Rachel died of overdose (Nathan did it). Someone explain why she was still alive? Provided that Kate survives the events of Episode Two, Max and Chloe will visit her in the hospital before going to the Prescott Dormitory to look for Nathan. Kate Marsh (born September 12, 1995) is a student at Blackwell Academy and a devout Christian. After seeing a postcard by Victoria sent offering her help, Max can talk to Kate about Victoria's personality, speculating about either her insecurities or how bitchy she is. The Verdict. Aps o incidente, ela recorreu a enfermeira da escola que, preocupada com o estado emocional da Kate, pediu que o Diretor Wells ficasse de olho nela. Max can disagree, banning boys from the trip, or question Warren's involvement. Further down the hall, Juliet is watching Kate's video on her phone beside Brooke. I do this: Things will get better, I'm here for you, You were drugged, Be strong, Your sisters/Your Dad. After class, Max Caulfield investigates the paper thrown at Kate and spies the message, Dear Kate, we loved your porn video. MORE: Most Iconic Kid Detectives In Video Games. However, there is currently an inconsistency with how these new graphics appear, due to the files being misnamed in the Unreal Engine packages (TX_Character_E3_Kate_SF, TX_Character_E4_Kate_SF, and TX_Character_E5_Kate_SF). Ela to linda, gentil e amigvel. A decepo de sua famlia combinada com o constante bullying feito por membros do clube Vortex e o afastamento de seus amigos levaram ela a ficar isolada e depressiva. It's a combination of factors, depending on what you say when shes up there and things you did for her before. Em sua ausncia, Max est cuidando da coelha de Kate. Max notes that Nathan's name is not on the card from the Blackwell students. No h nenhuma lei que exija que uma escola busque a permisso do prefeito local ou do Governador do Estado para iar as bandeiras at meio mastro aps a morte de um aluno. Victoria Chase and a few of the other girls are constantly haunting Kate Marsh with this viral video; a video she has little-to-no memory of. Ser que todo o bullying acabou com ela? Max comenta que as ilustraes de Kate seriam perfeitas para um livro infantil; ento h a possibilidade de Kate desejar ter uma carreira com seus trabalhos publicados. A placa dos quartos dela e de outras garotas no dormitrio foram reescritos por suas respectivas donas em apoio a recuperao de Kate, e a rede social dela est cheia de mensagens de apoio enviadas por vrios alunos da Blackwell, incluindo a Victoria. Kate's work with the Meals on Wheels organization she is affiliated with was featured on the KBAY 7, a local news station in Arcadia Bay, according to her school files. Informaes do Jogo Jefferson only killed the girls when they remembered everything that happened in the Darkroom. It's very likely that Kate survived the storm in the Sacrifice Arcadia Bay ending, since the hospital is a solid brick building that could have been able to withstand the storm as opposed to the destroyed wooden buildings that are shown in this ending. This may not completely describe Kate, however. If she succeeds in saving Kate, she will jump down to Max and apologize for committing suicide, but Max states that she saved her from talking in class, later she is taken to the hospital and is lying in bed with 3 balloons saying "Get Well Soon" behind her, it is unknown who brought them. The choices that Max makes determines whether or not she jumps off. No wonder they call it a "web" nothing can ever get out.said to Max in "Out of Time", I don't expect you to get in trouble for me. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. I heard it was taken down. There is also a note with Kate's email address and the title "Bible Study", where she is looking for fellow Christians to join. Kate vai ao funeral de Chloe se Max escolher sacrific-la para salvar a cidade. Hizzer May 25, 2015 @ 8:05pm. Upon leaving the dorm to meet Warren, Max finds Kate being harassed by David Madsen. Discover short videos related to kate marshall life is strange on TikTok. Finally, she exerts her power to the degree that she can stop time, which allows her to make it to the roof. He talks about a rally in her honor, and tries to offer her help. Marsh (me)Tia Marsh (tia)Lynn Marsh (irm)Irm no identificada, Episdio 2: Out of Time Episdio 4: Dark Room (Determinante) Episdio 5: Polarized (Determinante). O destino de Kate e sua ltima apario dependem da escolha de Max no final do Episdio 5. Her father Richard Marsh is a preacher in the Church, who she seems to have a good relationship with. It sucks to be dragged into the spotlight.said to Max in Mr. Jefferson's art class in "Chrysalis", I'm already on the internet forever. She doesn't drink alcohol and wages an abstinence campaign at her school, although she has a few sips of wine in church. I only made one mistake and that was to say her mother cared about her, I didn't check her laptop to find out that her mom despises her. 21 Life Is Strange Quotes | OptimistMinds Kate then runs out crying saying that Victoria will be sorry one day. Se Max no consegue salvar a Kate no Episdio 2, as bandeiras do lado de fora da Blackwell Academy permanecem completamente hasteadas. Kate tells Max that she doesnt remember or care about much of anything from earlier that morning. Her father sent her a postcard to give her hope, while her Aunt sent her a letter condemning her actions in the video. Kate decides to forgive her, because she believes in forgiveness and redemption. Voc pode encontrar uma garrafa de vinho no quarto dela, escondida atrs da cmoda, apesar de ela ter falado para Max que no bebe lcool. Also, she had posters about advising on abstinence. Kate Marsh - Life is Strange by Myed89 on DeviantArt She asks Max to take photos for the book for her. Whilst in the Dark Room, Max found a selfie taken at the beginning of the first episode and time travels back to the beginning of the game. Enquanto Max procura ferramentas para consertar sua cmera na Garagem do David, ela encontra os arquivos de David. However, it has been confirmed by the developers that the Katie on Frank's list is not Kate Marsh. Ela tambm parece ter uma relao positiva com as duas. If gamers have been taking notes, they'll remember that one such photo had Kate's father and sisters in it. Her father sent her a postcard to give her hope, while her Aunt sent her a letter condemning her actions in the video. The adults in Life is Strange are incompetent because they inspire no trust. T vendo? Amigos Max, que est muito feliz em v-la, conversar com Kate, notando que ela parece mais alegre desde a ltima vez que a viu. Link to Kate Marsh Porn Video? The storm would have been on its way by then, and Kate and her family would most likely have fled the town. During Mark Jeffersons class, Kate is hassled by Victoria Chases friend, Taylor Christensen, who tosses a paper ball at her. It's more unlikely that Kate would use weed and acid (the other drugs under Katie's name in the book), and none of the transactions took place in Blackwell itself where she spends most of her time - Kate can't even say a swear word let alone become involved with Frank. The doodles depict an angel whose face is covered in blood, a tree with gallows as well as the words "WASTE" and "SO LONELY". Encouraging Kate to go to the police about Nathan, or suggesting she look for proof against him first during Episode 2 of Life is Strange directly impacts a huge moment later in the story. Parece um zumbi. Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. No banheiro, Kate pede de volta Max sua cpia do "O Pas do Outubro". In the following evening, the girls dormitory had set up a small memorial in front of Kate's door, which was sealed off with barricade tape. This dialogue choice will change based on whether or not gamers answered the call from Kate earlier. What happened to Kate Marsh? :: Life is Strange General Discussions If you select sisters, Max and Kate will talk about the latter's younger sibling Lynn. Regardless of the outcome in Episode 2, Kate doesn't directly appear in this episode. This is evident through a note attached to her Blackwell Academy record. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Troubled, Max wondered why David Madsen had photographs of Kate at all. Quando Max descobre que Chloe foi drogada por Nathan Prescott, ela presume que a mesma coisa aconteceu com a Kate, devido ao seu comportamento estranho no vdeo viral. Finalmente, ela eleva seu poder ao ponto de conseguir parar o tempo, o que a permite ir at o telhado. This is evident from the Mozart poster in her room in Episode 2. Life is Strange VA for Kate Marsh Plays Life is Strange - YouTube Ela teve problemas aps um lanamento de um vdeo viral da mesma beijando estranhos em uma festa do Clube Vortex, o que parece ter a abalado psicologicamente. She then tries to convince her, and depending on player's choices succeed or fails. Ela comenta que deu a maioria das flores para outros pacientes, acreditando que eles precisavam mais do que ela. No carto de "Melhoras" enviado para a Kate, os nomes "River S." e "Rory W." esto assinados. Se Max disser para ela ir polcia, ser mais fcil de salvar a Kate mais tarde. Kate's favorite Bible verse is highlighted on a post-it note inside the book; Matthew 11:28 - "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.". Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Ela revela que no ficou bbada, e aps consumir apenas uma pequena quantidade de vinho, foi aparentemente drogada por Nathan, que no a levou para o hospital como havia prometido. Ela vem de uma famlia muito religiosa e frequentemente vtima de bullying na Academia Blackwell por sua opinio conservadora sobre sexo e religio. Embora na maioria dos cenrios ela acabe morrendo durante sua tentativa de suicdio, ela pode ser salva se voc fez as escolhas certas antes da tentativa de suicdio dela (se voc salv-la, ela vai para o hospital tratar de sua sade mental). Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Fora do quarto da Kate, Max pode apagar a mensagem maldosa escrita na placa dela, "Will bang 4 Jesus" (Vai rebolar pra Jesus, em portugus). Descrio Fsica Kate Marsh | Heroes & Villains Wiki | Fandom Upon arriving, Max sees Kate throw herself off the roof, killing herself. Kate is the first human character who has a determinant status. No quarto ela pode encontrar cartas, cartes postais e fotos relacionadas famlia de Kate. In Kate's hospital room in Episode 4, Max can find flowers from Taylor, which are yellow tulips. Richard Marsh (pai)Sra. This is on the rooftop by the way. While in the shower, Max witnesses Victoria and Taylor harassing Kate, and writing the link to the viral video on the mirror. I didn't get the bible quote dialogue but I do think mentioning her sisters near the end of the conversation helps she is close to them and the conversation following it shows she does care about them so I think that is the best answer there plus the photo of her happy with her sisters points to this. You have to choose the M (matheus or how he is called) answer and not the P one. Life is Strange, which centers on the story of a teenage girl who discovers she has the ability to rewind time at will, spends the bulk of its second episode convincing the player to. Max can inspect Kate's notes at her table; upon closer inspection, it seems she is having depressing, suicidal thoughts. Additionally, Kate could have been released by the hospital after a 48 hour hold period, by which time her family would have visited (as she mentions they would during Max's visit). It's clear he's been spying on Kate, taking photos and creating a file for her. (@ambersprice), Fnaf enjoyer(@deadbydayplayz), Life is strange(@life_is_strange_edits1), sophia(@youkilledabout53cats), sara lol(@brxh.s), Ally (@_yeager.stan_), SnipsGamingtiktok(@snipsgamingtiktok), (@.hnix), wsp(@locuich), liv(@feltaln) . Written in marker on two photographs are, Kate Marsh, she knows something! and 3:17pm Blackwell Academy parking lot. The link you could choose to erase in the mirror. Adesivo visvel no perfil sobre a Kate at o Episdio 3. She has been having trouble coping with the release of a viral video featuring her kissing strangers at a Vortex Club party and seems emotionally traumatized. In the following evening, her dorm room was sealed off with barricade tape. If she fails, the montage will instead show a memorial at the steps in front of the dorm._________________________________________________________________ Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. After Kate is saved, she will continue to appear in Max's story during Life is Strange. Link to Kate Marsh Porn Video? :: Life is Strange General Discussions Kate will then bring up how no one cares about her, but Max tries to bring up a member of her family, only her father and sisters will convince her while her mother and brother will not. Ela parece surpresa pela quantidade de pessoas da Blackwell que escreveram algo para ela, incluindo Daniel DaCosta, o Sr. Jefferson e at a Victoria escreveu um bilhete gentil para ela. Kate decides to forgive her, because she believes in forgiveness and redemption. She reveals that she was not drunk, and after consuming only a small amount of wine, was seemingly drugged by Nathan who failed to take her to the hospital as promised. She's considered a representative of the very best students at Blackwell. She comments that she gave most of the flowers away to other patients, believing they needed them more than her. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. The email is found on her computer in Episode 3 during the morning Max stays over at her house. Avel She reveals that she was not drunk, and after consuming only a small amount of wine, was seemingly drugged by Nathan who failed to take her to the hospital as promised. " [] maybe there's a reason we pretend? Quando sua famlia tomou conhecimento do vdeo, sua me se mostrou decepcionada com o comportamento dela e com sua falta de adeso aos ensinamentos cristos. I'm already playing their drama games. The name "Katie" appears in Frank Bowers's client list (codenamed as "Chihuahua"). She has two younger sisters, one of them the 10-year-old Lynn Marsh. It makes her more beautiful than the beeatches here like Victoria who think beauty is just your face and outfit. Seu quarto no Dormitrio Feminino o 222. Espaol - Latinoamrica (Spanish - Latin America). Um novo desenho aparecer no lugar do antigo adesivo com a palavra "VIDA". Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Dublador(a) Kate's favorite Bible verse is highlighted on a post-it note inside the book; Matthew 11:28 - \"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.\"Max talks to Kate about the events of the Vortex Club Party and the viral video. Kate vai embora chorando, e perde a aula de fotografia. Her extracurricular activities include the Meals On Wheels program and a diverse religious studies group.[1]. As duas conversam por alguns instantes antes de Max ir tomar banho. If Max fails to convey the right message, Kate will jump and she dies as Max looks in horror, there is a memorial for her outside the girls' dorm. Kate gets . Ela tem duas irms mais novas, uma delas se chama Lynn Marsh e tem 10 anos. Adicionalmente, Kate poderia ter tido alta do hospital aps um perodo de 48 horas, hora em que sua famlia teria chegado para visit-la (como ela menciona durante a visita de Max). No entanto, h uma inconsistncia nas circunstncias que estes adesivos parecem, devido aos arquivos estarem com os nomes trocados nas configuraes da Unreal Engine (TX_Character_E3_Kate_SF, TX_Character_E4_Kate_SF, e TX_Character_E5_Kate_SF). Dayeanne Hutton (Ingls) Hana Takeda (Japons), 11 de outubro de 2013(presumido, determinante), Morta pela tempestade (presumido, determinante), Sra. Antes do ocorrido na festa do clube Vortex, Kate era muito amiga de Alyssa Anderson e Stella Hill; algo que Max no sabia.[6]. But Nathan also suffered under Jefferson. Further down the hall, Juliet Watson is watching Kate's video on her phone beside Brooke Scott. In the Dark Room, Kate's binder is one of the three viewable binders other than Rachel Amber's binder and Victoria's empty one. To talk her down, Max needs to encourage Kate to be strong and beat the bullies who spread her viral video around as well as to have paid attention to items in Kate's room while returning the book to Kate and pointing out all those pertinent items that mean a lot to her(Kate's father or sister and her favourite Bible verse). Ela tem de convencer a Kate a no se jogar sem a ajuda de seu poder de voltar no tempo. Jefferson took advantage of the fact that there was a darkness in the heart of Nathan and used that to manipulate it. Kate Beverly Marsh (born September 12, 1995) is a student at Blackwell Academy and a devout Christian. The whiteboards of hers and others in the girls dormitory have been rewritten by their respective owners in support of Kate's recovery, and Kate's social media page is full of supportive messages by a lot of Blackwell students including Victoria. Defending Kate from David, encouraging Kate in her initial decision to report the matter to the police and answering her phone call earlier are helpful, but she can be saved without making those actions by making the right dialog choices.If Max succeeds in talking her down, the montage at the end of the episode will show her recovering in a hospital bed. He talks about a rally in her honor, and tries to offer her help. But when you get older, you become more afraid of hurting the people you care about.". In the basement, Max discovers a folder of photographs that fell from the top shelf. Choosing the right dialogue options to save Kate is essential, and players can have a much easier time if they made some emphatic choices at earlier points in the story. I see a lot of people defending Nathan Prescott by sympathized with his illness, but you forget that he is the main antagonist of the game. Zachary Riggins ir interromper a aula de Jefferson, dizendo que algo est acontecendo nos dormitrios. So when gamers get to the scene itself, they might feel like it is hopeless. However, it didnt make sense to me since it seemed that he was a pro in it. Her birthday, which falls on Halloween, is just around the corner, and she hopes that this year will be a fresh start . She has been having trouble coping with the release of a viral video featuring her kissing strangers at aVortex Clubparty and seems emotionally traumatized. Max hangs up and later Kate scolds her for not answering over text. It's impossible to fail at this stage if Max intervened, but she can still save Kate if she took a photo instead. White can symbolize pureness, and this goes along with Kate's personality and upbringing in a Christian family, whereas black can be associated with a darker aspect and her personal struggles. After Max puts her book down Kate asks if Nathan helped her or hurt her, and if she should call the police. The other students often make fun of her religiousness, although Kate doesn't attempt to preach or convert anyone. Kate nasceu em uma famlia crist extremamente conservadora, e muito devota sua religio. Kate to Max in "Dark Room"Even angels need angels, Max. If Max succeeds in talking her down, the montage at the end of the episode will show her recovering in a hospital bed. By clicking Accept, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies as part of our overall. A seguir o que a Max escreveu sobre a Kate em seu dirio: "No quero criticar todo mundo. Not saving. Ela tambm est muito grata por Max ter subido at o telhado para falar com ela, porque ela estava se sentindo perdida e sozinha o tempo todo, mas o carinho e esforo de Max mostraram que ela no estava sozinha. Apelidos Na Sala Escura, Max pode usar a selfie que tirou no comeo do primeiro episdio para viajar de volta para a aula de Jefferson onde tudo comeou. O Diretor Wells mandou um email para ela desejando-lhe uma rpida recuperao. I did good, I guess.. A pgina do dirio da Max sobre a Kate muda no Episdio 3, dependendo se Max consegue salvar a vida dela ou no. The Bible quote is the make or break option. She then says that Nathan Prescott said that he would take her to the hospital but is uncertain as to what happened afterwards. Max tem a opo de apagar o link. Bit of a trigger warning for some of these scenes. Hospital Room - Life Is Strange, Gary jamroz-palma : concept art for

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